

Senin, 31 Mei 2010

naruto 597

Scan Naruto 497 [ナルトネタバレ] 497 Spoiler et prediction
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Scan Naruto 497 [ナルトネタバレ] 497 Spoiler et prediction

Naruto 497 Spoiler: In last chapter end with Naruto start battle with kyubi. so what happens next ? Let’s find out more about the story on Naruto ナルトネタバレ 第497話 Spoiler pics and summaries You can also read previous Naruto 496 manga spoiler. And if you would like to discuss the spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below.

naruto 497

Naruto 497 is not available yet. we will update this post as soon as the spoiler is available


Naruto Manga 497: The Battle for the Kyuubi!!!

Naruto: (Man this Damn Fox is Tough, I can feel him trying to drain every bit of Chakra out of Me!!!! I cannot Lose)

Bee: I will try and help where I can, But this fight has to be won by you Naruto. Even though the Kyuubi has an infinite supply of Chakra compared to yours, You need to realize that it isnt the quantity of the Chakra, It is the Quality and Potency of your Chakra which must Purify the Dark Chakra of the Kyuubi!!!

Naruto: I AM NARUTO UZUMAKI!!! , I was trained by the Copy Ninja Kakashi when I joined Team 7, I learned from one of the Great Sanin Jirayia Sensei, I learned Sage Chakra from Master Fukusaku!!! I am the Son of the Freaking 4th Hokage, The one who Sealed you away inside of me so that I could use your power to change this world from the Hate it has, and By the way he was MY FATHER who Believes in me and I will not let him down!!! and now I will Master your Chakra!!!!

Kyuubi; NOOOO You lack the strength to control me!!! (in thought; Where is the Hate that used to be inside him?? I need it to control him! No matter I will overwhelm him with my Chakra)

Naruto: Ahhh Give me your Chakra you Damn FOX!!

Kyuubi: We are at a stand still Boy!! I will let you have my Chakra But My Will comes with it!!! HAHAHAHA

Naruto: You have sooo much Hate Just like Sasuke, But you must know that I am going to Wipe this world clear with the Hate that it has, and I know if I can overcome the hate that you have, I will be able to truly save Sasuke!!.

Kyuubi: You are a fool Boy, I have sensed the Hate in that accursed Uchiha Brat, He even has more hate than that damned Madara. You cannot sway that boy from his path, he should just be another one of my victims that I smash under my teeth!!.

Naruto:( what can I do to win this battle? wait a minute, what if I just concentrate just like when I am focusing on natural energy? I bet that could help me beat this stupid fox)

Hachibi: Do you feel that coming into the boy? He is bringing in natural energy to help him!! this is one impressive kid to be able to do that while in his own mind!!
Bee:The power of Nature to beat the Nature of his beast !!

Hachibi: The Kyuubi is the Greatest of us Beasts, and the sheer evil chakra that it has is terrible, The Kyuubi is the beast that influenced the rest of us to becoming evil when we were all apart of the same body, Not only that The Kyuubi has enough Power to defeat and bend its will against all of us when we were called the Juubi!.

Bee: The Juubi, is that the story you told me about and didnt want anybody to know about!

Hachibi: it is dangerous for this Knowledge to be around, Look at Madara, he wants us all Reunited so he can merge his body to the Juubi!! and since Madara has the Great Eyes of the One who seperated us, He would most likely be able to control the Juubi!!.

Bee: Talk about this later Octo, I think Naruto is winning with this nature energy now!! OOOO YEA YOU GO BOY!!!

Back to Naruto_---

Kyuubi: ROOOOOAAARRR Stop this Naruto, I can feel your Will overcoming mine!!! The only way to survive in this world is to have hate!! You must not Do this Naruto!! OPEN YOUR SELF TO MY HATE!!

Naruto: You just dont get it Fox, I am fed up with Hate!!! Maybe if you absorb my will You will see that Hate is no longer needed in this world!! Trust me, a world without Hate is a much better place, And you will see this through my eyes!! and everything great we do will be because of your help!! you are going to Love it!!!

Naruto: Yes I did it!!!!!

Kyuubi: ( You win for Now Naruto, But how long can you keep this up?, it is only a matter of time that Hate will fill your heart and I will be there to use it against you)

Bee: Good Job YO, Now we can Spar and test those new Tails you got!!!

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