

Rabu, 21 September 2011

One Piece 640 RAW Pics and Summary Posted by Hitsuke at 3:18 AM . Sep 21, 2011 Browse » Home » One Piece Spoilers , The Latest » One Piece 640 RAW Pics and Summary Tag : ONE PIECE, One Piece 640, One Piece 640 Spoiler, One Piece 640 raw, One Piece 640 Predictions, One Piece Manga 640, ONE PIECE SPOILERS, One Piece 640 Spoilers, One Piece 640 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, One Piece Anime, One Piece Chapter 640, Bocoran One Piece 640, One Piece 640 Wordpress, One Piece 640 English, One Piece 640 Confirmed Spoiler, One Piece 640 Read Online, One Piece 640 Download, One Piece 640 Bahasa Indonesia, One Piece 640 Onemanga, One Piece 640 Mangahelpers, One Piece 640 MangaStream. Keep in touch for Next ONE PIECE, One Piece 641, One Piece 641, One Piece 641 spoiler. Credits Aohige_AP Status: Confirmed Chapter 640: Right above Fishman Island coverstory: Vivi 18 years old, with Carue and Matsuge Nami uses her lightning rod to clear tons of fodders Ikaros, startled and enraged by the heat from the lightning, charges towards Nami Zeo tries to stop her from escaping by turning invisible, and grabbing her legs and have them pierced by the squid-spears, but Brook cuts in between. "Huh, Nami-san? Oh! May I see you pant.... GYAAAA!!!" Brook is pierced by the squit spear. But he's already dry, so he takes no damage from the drying effect of the spear. YOHOHO! General Franky is looking for a worthy foe, so he smacks Ikaros. General Franky vs Ikaros Much Brook accidently steps on Zeo, who was near Nami. (lol) Brook vs Zeo Chopper digs through the ground. He and Usopp are scheming something, but Dosun chases after them. Chopper notices the pursuit by smell, and blows away Dosun with Horn Canon 11 Chopper covers the hole in the ground, and Usopp uses Green Star Skull Explosion Grass to blow away Daruma and the fodders. Usopp vs Daruma, Chopper vs Dosun Zoro blocks all of Hyouzou's sword attacks. Shirahoshi swims to the side so the Noah doesn't fall on Fishman Island, but Decken slips and hits his head and goes unconcious, causing the Ark to fall towards Fishman Island. BREAK NEXT WEK. NO OP NEXT ISSUE. Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia Oleh Tonyohoho untuk Bocoran One Piece 640 : Chapter 640 : Tepat di atas Pulau Manusia Ikan Nami menggunakan tongkat petirnya untuk mengalahkan banyak musuh yang lemah Ikaros, kaget dan marah sekali karena petir itu, menyerang Nami Zeo mencoba menghentikan Nami yang berusaha menghindar dengan cara menyamarkan diri, tapi Brooks berusaha menebasnya "Hah, Nami-san, bolehkan aku melihat celana dal... GYAAA" Brook tertusuk Tombak Cumi Cumi. Tapi dia sejak awal sudah kering (lol). jadi dia baik-baik saja menerima efek dari "pengering" tombak tersebut. Yohoho! General Franky mencari musuh yang sepadan untuk diajak bertarung, jadi dia menghempas Ikaros. General Franky vs Ikaros Brook secara tidak sengaja menginjak Zeo, yang ada di dekat Nami Brook vs Zeo Chopper terus menggali lubang, dia dan usopp merencanakan sesuatu, tapi Dosun mengejarnya Chopper menyadari pengejarnya dari baunya, dan menerbangkan Dosun dengan Horn Canon 11 Chopper menutupi lubang di tanah, dan Usopp menggunakan Green Star. SKull Explosion Grass cukup untuk menerbangkan Daruma dan musuh lemah lainnya. Usopp vs Daruma, Chopper vs Dosun Zoro menghentikan semua serangan pedang hyouzou Shirahoshi berenang ke arah samping supaya Noah tidak jatuh tepat ke Pulau Manusia Ikan, tapi Decken terpeleset dan kepalanya terbentur! DIA PINGSAN! Menyebabkan NOAH (yang kehilangan efek mato2) terjun bebas mengarah ke pulau manusia ikan! Break minggu depan. No OP (lagi) Tunjukan rasa terima kasihmu dengan menekan tombol dibawah ini dan membagikannya ke temanmu yang lain lewat facebook
One Piece 640 RAW Pics and Summary Posted by Hitsuke at 3:18 AM . Sep 21, 2011 Browse » Home » One Piece Spoilers , The Latest » One Piece 640 RAW Pics and Summary Tag : ONE PIECE, One Piece 640, One Piece 640 Spoiler, One Piece 640 raw, One Piece 640 Predictions, One Piece Manga 640, ONE PIECE SPOILERS, One Piece 640 Spoilers, One Piece 640 Spoiler Pics and Summaries, One Piece Anime, One Piece Chapter 640, Bocoran One Piece 640, One Piece 640 Wordpress, One Piece 640 English, One Piece 640 Confirmed Spoiler, One Piece 640 Read Online, One Piece 640 Download, One Piece 640 Bahasa Indonesia, One Piece 640 Onemanga, One Piece 640 Mangahelpers, One Piece 640 MangaStream. Keep in touch for Next ONE PIECE, One Piece 641, One Piece 641, One Piece 641 spoiler. Credits Aohige_AP Status: Confirmed Chapter 640: Right above Fishman Island coverstory: Vivi 18 years old, with Carue and Matsuge Nami uses her lightning rod to clear tons of fodders Ikaros, startled and enraged by the heat from the lightning, charges towards Nami Zeo tries to stop her from escaping by turning invisible, and grabbing her legs and have them pierced by the squid-spears, but Brook cuts in between. "Huh, Nami-san? Oh! May I see you pant.... GYAAAA!!!" Brook is pierced by the squit spear. But he's already dry, so he takes no damage from the drying effect of the spear. YOHOHO! General Franky is looking for a worthy foe, so he smacks Ikaros. General Franky vs Ikaros Much Brook accidently steps on Zeo, who was near Nami. (lol) Brook vs Zeo Chopper digs through the ground. He and Usopp are scheming something, but Dosun chases after them. Chopper notices the pursuit by smell, and blows away Dosun with Horn Canon 11 Chopper covers the hole in the ground, and Usopp uses Green Star Skull Explosion Grass to blow away Daruma and the fodders. Usopp vs Daruma, Chopper vs Dosun Zoro blocks all of Hyouzou's sword attacks. Shirahoshi swims to the side so the Noah doesn't fall on Fishman Island, but Decken slips and hits his head and goes unconcious, causing the Ark to fall towards Fishman Island. BREAK NEXT WEK. NO OP NEXT ISSUE. Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia Oleh Tonyohoho untuk Bocoran One Piece 640 : Chapter 640 : Tepat di atas Pulau Manusia Ikan Nami menggunakan tongkat petirnya untuk mengalahkan banyak musuh yang lemah Ikaros, kaget dan marah sekali karena petir itu, menyerang Nami Zeo mencoba menghentikan Nami yang berusaha menghindar dengan cara menyamarkan diri, tapi Brooks berusaha menebasnya "Hah, Nami-san, bolehkan aku melihat celana dal... GYAAA" Brook tertusuk Tombak Cumi Cumi. Tapi dia sejak awal sudah kering (lol). jadi dia baik-baik saja menerima efek dari "pengering" tombak tersebut. Yohoho! General Franky mencari musuh yang sepadan untuk diajak bertarung, jadi dia menghempas Ikaros. General Franky vs Ikaros Brook secara tidak sengaja menginjak Zeo, yang ada di dekat Nami Brook vs Zeo Chopper terus menggali lubang, dia dan usopp merencanakan sesuatu, tapi Dosun mengejarnya Chopper menyadari pengejarnya dari baunya, dan menerbangkan Dosun dengan Horn Canon 11 Chopper menutupi lubang di tanah, dan Usopp menggunakan Green Star. SKull Explosion Grass cukup untuk menerbangkan Daruma dan musuh lemah lainnya. Usopp vs Daruma, Chopper vs Dosun Zoro menghentikan semua serangan pedang hyouzou Shirahoshi berenang ke arah samping supaya Noah tidak jatuh tepat ke Pulau Manusia Ikan, tapi Decken terpeleset dan kepalanya terbentur! DIA PINGSAN! Menyebabkan NOAH (yang kehilangan efek mato2) terjun bebas mengarah ke pulau manusia ikan! Break minggu depan. No OP (lagi) Tunjukan rasa terima kasihmu dengan menekan tombol dibawah ini dan membagikannya ke temanmu yang lain lewat facebook

Selasa, 20 September 2011

______________________ Naruto Chapter 556 Status: Prediction Credits: Jeriko Uzumaki Return of the Toad Sage We see two Naruto's standing face to face, one in Sage Mode, the other in base. Base, “I see, so you didn’t let on that you were a clone, huh? That’s good, they might have been concerned where I was which would have distracted form the task at hand.” Sage, “yep, so yeah that’s what happened, I guess being the strongest or most powerful doesn’t always guarantee a win.” Base making a clone sign, “exactly, thanks, you were great!” Just before he poof out the clone gives a thumbs up. Bee coming from behind landing beside Naruto. “what’s cracking did you beat me to the action?” Naruto, “nah, but one of my clones beat grandpa Raikage.” Bee shocked, “bullshit you say, you beat the old man Raikage?!” Naruto scratching back of his head, “well yeah I guess I did, ha ha. Hey let’s go, this way is good, he took care of the old Tsuchikage too, with Gaara’s help.” Hachibi, {this kid beat two of the most powerful Kage’s in history?! Also a human as tough as the Raikage no doubt. Amazing.} Naruto dashing along with Bee, “you know RS mode gives me good defense, if not when I messed up the Bijuu ball it would have cancelled that clone for sure, but it did take all the energy it had to absorb it. That combination is tricky!” Bee, Stopping, “hold up lil nephew, I got some words for you.” Naruto stopping, “Huh, what’s up?” Bee, “I noticed from the window to the wall, you got a lot of balls. You being the son of the 4th, using that jutsu I expect of course. Buts like song redone, sounds a little different but still the same one.” Naruto, “Huh? You saying I use the Rasengan too much?” A voice, “nah, you got too many remixes, even though there different beats it’s still the song.” Naruto looks and sees Shikamaru, “What? Are we that close to you guys? Your supposed to be near the coast!” Shikamaru, “yeah well I had a little help getting here.” Choji comes out bigger with the wings on his back. Naruto, “wow Choji, hey is that butterfly mode you was talking about from years ago?” Choji yelling, “it’s NOT BUTTERFLY MODE! It’s my true power as a Yamakichi!” Naruto mumbling, “geesh just saying you look like a giant butterfly is all.” He turns to Bee. “okay, okay I get it I have too many rasengan, but it just comes naturally to make them now, that’s why I have so many plus I …” Suddenly a Choji knocks Shikamaru yards away over some bushes an dgrabs Naruto in his huge hand. Naruto, “Choji, what the hell?!” Choji, “I can’t control my body!” We see Lady Chiyo emerge under the full control of Kabuto. She has chakra strings attached to Choji. Naruto, {Dammit he has my arms too I can’t move, well only one thing I can do!} He closes his eyes and concentrates. Bee goes to attack when he suddenly stops, “Sorry Naruto but I gotta refrain, this is a good time for you to train.” Naruto opens his eyes in Sage mode, “no problem Uncle Bee, your right I must train even if it is in Battle. Sorry Choji, this is gonna hurt.” Choji, “do it, I understand!” Naruto breaks his grip and Knocks him str8 into the air, Lady Chiyo releases the chakra strings due to the height. She is trying to grab Naruto but he is dodging, {I can sense the chakra as it comes to me gotta keep dodging until the perfect time.} Lady Chiyo does hand signs and summons a scroll then summons the puppet parents. Naruto, “hmmmm, heads up.” He smiles. Choji is unconscious coming down fast right on top of Lady Chiyo and her puppets. Suddenly Naruto crashes threw the puppets knocks lady Chiyo yards away, then catches Choji with one hand. Bee looks at Naruto, Naruto looks back at bee and smiles, soon Choji shrinks back to his normal size. Before he can put him down completely, Bee clears his throat and points past Naruto. Lady Chiyo is back with the bodies of the dead samurai from earlier with Mifune & the Ambush squad. There are a total of 8 in front of him, blocking her. Naruto glances at Bee, he is making no move to help. {okay, let’s do this!} The samurai come for him swinging and attacking constantly, he is defending himself but they keep bouncing back to him. Naruto, {Lady Chiyo, long as you have them this never gonna end…} He thinks back..{ J-man, “yea kid great you got the rasengan, you have mastered shape manipulation… Kakashi, “ yeah it’s the same theory of shape manipulation I just couldn’t combine my affinity to it so I made the chidori instead….Yamato, “hmmm, oh yes I heard the stories of Kushina Uzumaki, she could somehow mold her chakra into unbreakable chains.} Naruto, “okay, Lady Chiyo, I am not gonna hold back, I will save you!” Bee, “hmmm?” Naruto is being dog piled until, “shadow clone jutsu!” They are thrown way back, Lady Chiyo is watching and controlling them as they get back up. The clones are on each side of him as if making rasengan. Bee, {this boy is a tool , I told that fool!} {no Bee look, it’s different.} He slams his hands together in them forms a sword just like Sasuke’s, made of chakra. Naruto Dashes off, “now you tow work together, you know what to do!” They nod there heads. Naruto faces the group of Samurai leaping over them slicing at the chakra strings wildly, and repeating it with another group. Naruto, {I can’t really see them but I can feel them I just gotta trust this is working!} They all fall to the ground, he heads towards Lady Chiyo, {now I gotta concentrate, maybe if I focus more nature energy on my eyes, just enough to..} He starts seeing the strings coming towards him now, he slices them repeatedly. “Sorry Granny Chiyo!” He slices off her arms, they start to reform slowly. Suddenly near Bee lands a seal squad, all breathing heavy. SS ninja 1, “huff, huff, we finally caught up to you guys, huff huff.” SS ninja 2, “huff, they sent us to aide you, huff huff, huff, but you wouldn’t slow down long enough to catch up!” Naruto, {I see, you.} “great get ready, you gonna have two to seal!” At his secret location. Kabuto, “what the hell? Did he really? It felt like, he was here with me, but it can’t be!” Bee, “what’s with this dude, there ain’t two!?” He leap as on top of Lady Chiyo holding her down, “do it!” Everyone looks puzzled. Suddenly the clones come dashing over him, “Sage style: Sage Bomb!” It is a Orange colored Rasengan with swirls of blue going around it. They fly way over Naruto and Lady Chiyo, and suddenly a Edo coffin is rising just as it opens they impact with the Edo inside(unseen). Kracka thoom. A huge gust of long lasting wind erupts destroying the coffin and the clones. Soon after… We see the Edos have been sealed. Naruto, “yeah I figured if I can shape my chakra into a ball why not something else? Neji said he cut chakra webs with his own chakra focused at his hands so I figured I could do that with the puppet strings.” SS ninja 1, “that was amazing Naruto, but was that a rasengan at he end? How did you know that coffin was coming?” Naruto. “it was kind alike that but it was my chakra mixed with Sage chakra to make it more powerful, far as the coffin, I just felt it…ha ha ha.” Bee, “okay okay just a technicality, but it still looked like a rasengan to me!” Naruto, “hey no fair, them if that was a rasengan, then you use rasengan too. You just call it a Bijuu Bomb, Uncle Bee!” Bee, “okay okay, we’ll settle this another day.” Naruto, “okay, let’s go, we need to help who we can until we can find Madara!” They both leap off. SS ninja 2, "wait what do we do with Choji? He is still too heavy for us to lug around! And wait for US!!!! dammit!!!!" Kabuto, HQ. Kabuto, “hmmm, well if that was a sample of Sage power then I wan tit for my arsenal, but the re is only one Sage I can possibly get my hands on….ha ha ha ha ha!” Itachi right behind him, “there will be no more of that…” Kabuto is shocked. Itachi has found Kabuto, will this be easy or is there another surprise? Naruto, has taken sage mode to another level. Next: “How to beat an Uchiha” Naruto 556 Prediciton by Vishnu Naruto 556: Kabuto's trump card Scene show Kabuto Kabuto: Welcome back sage of the six paths. The sage is shown in shadown with his face hidden Sage: why did you summoned me , boy? Kabuto: i summoned you, so you can be my ace in this war. Sage: So the wars didn't cease?i thought that the people will stop fighting. It seems i was wrong. But to bring back the deads to do your job boy, that's just cowardly.a true warrior knows what *respect and honour is. You just proved that you are a coward who hides from the real battle. Kabuto: Let me be a coward and don't concerne about me. Makes some handisgns. Edo tensei: control sense jutsu! Sage: That won't work boy. It's not for you to control my power!* The sage rises his hand and energy gathers in his palm. Sage: Ninshu! Energy blast! A beam of light goes directly through Kabuto's shoulder and pins him down to a wall. Kabuto: So much power! It's not possible! Sage: Now boy, i will end this war with my own hands! Scene shows battlefield Ninjas are fighting Zetsu's. Suddenly all of them are cut down. Panel shows us Sasuke in red samurai garb just like madara had and with a big uchiha crest on it and Madara standing next to him. Madara thinking: So much hatred...his eyes are getting their powers from his hatred. The more hatred he has , there will be much more power in his eyes. But to reach their max. I have to make him fight Naruto. I will take his eyes! And my plan will be soon over! Sasuke looking at a destroyed Konoha: Well, it seems that someone made it before me. It doesn't matter. I will eradicate this village from the face of the earth! Scene shows Naruto in his mind with the Kyuubi Naruto: What did you do? Why am i here? Kyuubi: Stupid brat! You thought you can use my power like that and keep going? There is a price for everything! Naruto: Wha..what price? Kyuubi: Your life! The more you use my chakra like that, the more you will be drained from your life energy! *You will kill us both! You drain my chakras and you drain yours!* Naruto yelling: That's because you aren't going to help me!* Kyuubi: And why would i help you stupid brat? I want to be released not to be kept here forever! Naruto: Then let's make a compromise! Let's make a deal! Kyuubi: What deal? Let me free and i will listen to you. Naruto: That's my intention nine tails. But first you will listen to me. I will let you free but first i need your cooperation to finish that technique. Kyuubi: It's impossible brat! No man can use that technique. I thought you understood that the last time you tried. Naruto: Some things have changed.* Kyuubi: So it's done ? You will let out of this your stubborness and you finally decided that it's time to forget words and use it? Naruto: I think it's time to get serious about it. I will fight Sasuke and there is no other way. Kyuubi: So if i give you the chakra to do it you will let me free? Naruto: if you give me the chakra i will let you free.* Kyuubi: then it's a deal brat. I will keep my word. I hope you will do the same. Naruto: I will! Many people have put their hopes into me ( he flashbacks Jiraya, kakashi, sakura, nagato, konan, itachi, minato and kushina) ! I will not fail them! I will beat Sasuke! Kyuubi: Then open this cage and let me adjust your body to fit mine!* Scene shows naruto collapsed and shaking violently Temari: What's up with him!?!* Gaara lands near her: He is in pain! I told him that there is a price! Quickly! Get a medical team here fast!* Suddenly Naruto stopes from shaking.* Gaara: what the !?! *Naruto slowly rises and he is a bit taller with his hair a bit longer and with his clothes ripped apart. Naruto: It seems that it's over. Gaara: What happend to you ! You were in pain! Naruto: Yeah it was some pain but now it's over. Let's move to the next battleground! Scene shows Kabuto Kabuto: good. I expected him to try to kill me. Now my plan is perfect! Naruto uzumaki...Sasuke're are going to be part of a tremendous experiment!* Scene shows Naruto facing Mizukage Mizukage: Hey blondie! I hope that you're not dumb like the others! Naruto: So the real you is hidden with that clam huh? Mizukage: You noticed already! God, there is still some hope. These idiots didn't understand what i have been telling them. Naruto: But i do.* Instantly he is behind Mizukage hitting the earth with a rasenshuriken. The mirage vanishes and the real Mizukage is shown slowly regenerating. Mizukage: What was that! How did you! *Who are you! Naruto: My name is Uzumaki Naruto! The leaf's next Hokage and host of the demon fox! Gaara appears near Naruto Gaara: But how!?! You didn't even used Kyuubi! How is it possible! you couldn't have escaped his genjutsu alone! Naruto: Kyuubi is now my partner! I'm not alone anymore! Scene shows a hill with a tall figure standing up and looking away. Sage to himself: Uzumaki Naruto...Uchiha this is centred around you. You will both vanish for the sake of the world! Next chapter: Sasuke's execution!



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